Sunday, August 31, 2008


My ovaries hurt.

My head huts.

My endometreoma hurts.

I go in Tuesday for a day 5 ultrasound.  Weeeeeee!

The man brought me dinner in bed because my head is hurting again.  6 came in to join me and stole one of the ribs off my plate.  Lil' shit!  I'm glad to see she hasn't lost her cow hunting skills livin' all bougie up in our crib.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption=" 6 - She looks like a good kittty, but she is only pretending..."]    6 - She looks like a good kittty, but she is only pretending...[/caption]

I've also been trying to chart my temp.  I think this is dangerous to a fragile hope but I'm doing it.  I may stop.  I don't know.  I'm not very good about remembering first thing in the morning anyway.  (I'm not a morning person.)

4 shots a's...a pain.  Pun intended.  The needles for the Lupron are not very slick and the Menopur is the same.  For that they gave me 1cc syringe which means, long skinny syringe that takes a long time to plunge.  Why couldn't they give me a larger syringe?  That shit stings!  Yes I'm whining.  It's the Lupron.

OK.  I'll quit boring y'all.  Have a good and safe holiday.

Oh, and those of you living in the path of Gustav, I sure as hell hope you left!  Please!  LEAVE!  GET OUT!!!  That is all.


  1. hey - thinking about you. sounds like hell. praying for the best. let me know if there's anything i can do. dinner, drinks (yes drinks). you name it, you deserve it.

  2. I just started this morning with my stims (Gonal-F) and I already have a headache. From reading your post, it seems as if I am going to have a long stim cycle. Good luck. I will be stopping by to cheer you on.
