Friday, August 15, 2008


I'm having a personal crisis.  I guess there is a crisis of faith, but more a cirsis of self.  What have I done with my life?  What will I leave behind?  Who will remember me?  Have I created anything?  Made anything?  I may not even be able to have biological children.  Tick toc.  Tick Toc.  I'll leave nothing.  Guess that means I am nothing.

"And poof. Just like that, he's gone."

Verbal, The Usual Suspects


  1. Ok wake up call time...Firstly, you is young you aren't going anywhere yet so there is plenty of time to achieve...Secondly, hello!!! you are nothing, my arse, you have people about you who love you very much, does that count for nothing? If you were "gone" the world would not be the same, so buck up or I just might have to come over there and kick your ass into shape madam.

    As for the IVF thing, I know it's hard, and can sometimes get you down, but there is always hope.

    Have you created anything? Well from what I see yes you have, you have friends, and I am one of them who believes in YOU.

    I have now spoken too much so will let you think on what I have said...and no arguments.


  2. If you were nothing then you wouldn't be having these feelings. I can understand why you feel that by not creating a child of your own flesh gives you the feelings you are having. Please remember though that a child's make up is only a fraction of the genetics, the environment they are in is the main part of what makes a child into the adult they become. ALSO, you are part of what makes all of your friends who they are and how they live their lives. I know that while you and I don't get to be around each other as much as we would like, I know that by knowing you I live my life differently than from before I knew you, and I like the person that I am now better.

    Know that what you will leave behind will affect many beyond just me and you.

  3. You are one of the most civilized and caring people I know. This is an achievement!
