Thursday, August 14, 2008



The microdose Lupron flare protocol is one of the most potent IVF protocols available. It has helped many women with poor ovarian reserves to conceive, and in our opinion, is the last resort before donor egg IVF. The protocol takes advantage of a special property of Lupron. When used in tiny amounts, Lupron stimulates the release of natural FSH from the pituitary for several days before exerting its suppressive effect. During this 'flare' period, the ovaries are stimulated by natural FSH. The subsequent addition of high doses of FSH from medications gives the ovaries maximum stimulation. The flare protocol can be summarized as below:

Menses                     Flare effect                     HCG   Retrieval         Transfer

  1. Menstruation begins.

  2. Birth control pill is used to suppress the pituitary for 10 to 14 days. Low dose types are preferable. A trial transfer is performed during this period.

  3. Minidoses of Lupron are started 3 days after the last pill to stimulate the pituitary to release its own store of FSH (the flare effect). After 5 days, Lupron begins to suppress the pituitary to prevent premature ovulation. Lupron is continued until the day of HCG.

  4. Ovarian stimulation is initiated 5 days after the last pill using the highest dose of FSH. The combination of natural FSH and medicated FSH gives the ovaries maximum stimulation. Close monitoring is required.

  5. HCG injection is used to mature the eggs.

  6. Egg retrieval takes place about 36 hours after HCG injection.

  7. Embryo culture for 5 days.

  8. Embryo transfer of 2 blastocysts.

  9. Endometrial support using vaginal progesterone and topical estrogen.

  10. Pregnancy test 12 days after transfer.


Well, that's really all I got.  I'm not having the same symptoms I was last time so that's good.  Must have been withdrawl from the other drug.  So this is much better.  Sorry I don't have more for you.  If there are questions you have let me know, I'll try to answer them!!

See ya!!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah...stop confusing me with all them big words...speak english lol

    Hope all goes well.


