Friday, January 29, 2010

Day-o, Da-a-ay-o

Had a lovely visit with Dr. N today.  His staff is WONDERFUL.  He is WONDERFUL.  I can't say enough nice things about them.

So what day-o is the surgery on?  Dunno.  Could be the 3rd, yep as in Wednesday.  Could be the 10th.  Could be any date in between.  I'll know more on Monday when I go for pre-op.

They are all for not having me have surgery on my birthday.  I said I was OK with it.  I'd come with tiaras, noise makers and sashes.  (The nurses loved this idea.  I like it my own self.) Thing is, if they do it on the 10th I get to do the bowel prep (more on bowel prep) on my birthday.  Baaaybeeeeeee, lemme tell you what! I would rather have them cut. me. open. on my birfday than do a bowl prep that day!  That's not even true.  I'd rather do ANYTHING ELSE than a bowl prep, evar!

Dr. N was like, "No, no no!  Not on your birthday!  We'll do it the 3rd.  You should have a good birthday."

Nurse:  Well I don't know if that time is available I need to call.  (she leaves to call)

Me: Thanks Dr. N.  (Waits for him to walk away.   A few minutes later nurse returns)

Nurse: I can't get a hold of them.  There are only two people there so they are really busy, but I'll keep calling and let you know.  Come in on Monday for your pre-op.

Me:  (looking around to make sure Dr. N is gone because I don't want to hurt his feelings) You know, my husband is planning a party for me on the 6th.  I mean I guess we can reschedule it or I can sit on the couch and play queen and have them surround me and bring me ish.

Nurse:  That's fun!

So I leave, go to Pinkberry's and sit in the parking lot eating my original swirly goodness with granola, mango and kiwi, thinking about my options.  I started on my way when I remembered mom-in-law and hubs are coming for the party on the 6th.  Frak!

I call the nurse back.

Me: Hai!  It's me again.  I think the 10th would be better for me.  I just rememberd the inlaws are flying in for the par-tay.

Nurse: Oh OK.

Me:  But you know how you said he does surgeries at different facilities?  Can you check dates there, too?  Maybe we can find a better alternative.

Nurse: Yeah, sure!  I'll take a look and get back to you.

Me: Great!  Sorry to be a troublesome patient.

Nurse: OH! You are so not!

Me:  Thank you!  Can I bring you some lemons?  I have a tree...

Anyway, so I go in Monday for the pre-op and then we'll know what date.  I'll wait until Monday to stop taking my meds.  I mean, when you're allergic to cats and have 4 of them, not to mention the dust and mold allergies...You REALLY don't want to stop taking them.

Honestly, I'm not that opposed to the surgery being on the 3rd.  Soon is good, just in case it's not the endo that is causing the spotting to return.  We need to figure out what it is.  It shouldn't be as extensive as it was last time to recovery should be easier.  Although, I have an apt with the fertility clinic for an exam on the 2nd @ 2:00 p.m. and I don't know how that would work with the bowl prep.  (Did you get that? 2/2 @2? HA!) That may need to be rescheduled.

I could vacillate on the dates all night long so, I'm gonna end it here.  Any thoughts?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Let's play Doctor!

Phone conversation with my dr's office:

Me: Hi.  I would like to schedule surgery with Dr. N to take a look to see if the endometriosis is back.

Nurse: OK.  Let me pull your chart.  When would you like to do it?

Me:  As soon as possible.  But preferably not on my birthday. (I joke, laughing)

Nurse:  OK.  Let's  Oh.

Me: What.

Nurse:  The earliest date we have available is February 9th.  Your birthday.

Me: (I laugh because what else can you do) Figures.

I will go in and discuss it with them on Friday...but if it does go down like that, consider yourself warned!


If I do have to do it on my birthday, I'm trying to look at the bright side of things.  So, lets play a game.  The...

Things you can do or get if you have surgery on your birthday:

1. You get morphine!

2. You get the sympathy birthday gift.

3. Party in your recovery room.

4. Wear a tiara and bring party favors.

5.  I can haz McSteamy?  Can you say sponge bath?

....Now, it's your turn!  Whatcha got?

Monday, January 25, 2010

Please Doctor, Sir, I'd like some more-phine

I was watching an episode of Grey's Anatomy.  It's the one where Meredith has appendicitis.  She is high as a freaking kite on morphine, headed into surgery where they were gonna cut her open and remove a piece of her insides.  I mean think about it, really, take a moment.  Remove. Body. Parts.  It's serious business, the risk for infection, something going wrong, bad surgeons, reaction to drugs.  Surgery is no joke.

And all I could think was, "Man!  She is soooooooo lucky!  She's on morphine and feels NOTHING!  Surgery is so worth it.  I wish I were her."

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Oh Happy Day!

They just opened my favorite treat near Dr. N's office!!!

Yay me!!


Friday, January 22, 2010

All's Well That Begins Well

The consult appointment went well.  We went over all the usual stuff, questions, concerns, paths etc.  My doctor, we'll call him Dr. K, was on board with me going to my endomitriosis doctor, hereafter dubbed, Dr. N, for a look-see.  I mean if it's all happy in there, then bully for me.  If not, then he can do his magic and fix it.  I'll be down for about six weeks and we can get going on the transfer.  When we get closer to those proceedings, I'll give a more detailed explanations.  I will tell you this though, it looks like if we do a controlled cycle (with medications) rather than a natural one (with out meds) I'll have to go back on the bitch juice.  Woot!  Look out world!! Haahahahahahahahaha!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Here we go again...

So after a line up of surgeries and recovery not to mention all the other stuff going on in our lives, we have decided to go ahead with the FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer).  Yep.  We're gonna thaw out those pops, (hopefully they will survive the thaw) drop them off and hopefully they will stick around.  I guess I can't really blame the others for not hanging out, it must have been uncomfortable with all that endo taking up space.  We only have two embryos and honestly, they wern't that high a grade, so I'm very worried about their surviving the thaw.

The initial consultation is tomorrow.  I worked on getting all my medical records sent over there before the consult so he has the information.  Since it's been a year since the last endo surgery, I'm thinking they are gonna need to take a look-see inside to see if the endo is back.  I'm hoping no, but I'm not sure and at this point I am not willing to make coin toss guess.  I think it is, but what do I know...

Then I guess we decide if it's gonna be a "natural" cycle or a drugged one.  We'll see I guess.

So, my fear and freak out level is pretty high.  Paranoid.  Cautious.  All those things are playing up.  Anxious is another good one.  I find myself tapping my fingers or foot a lot.  I haven't woken up gripping my blankets  like was was before, but I have notice some fist clenching during TV consumption.

To combat some of this I think I've started walking again, trying to work off some of this excess spaziness.  I downloaded a bunch of audio books so that will be nice.

Hopefully my issues with CIGNA won't get in my way of this round, but I guess we'll see.  Washington should invite a bunch of fertility challenged people up to speak about health care and insurance companies.  I'm sure we'd have a lot to say!