Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Back to 1...CD1 that is.

OK.  We're in the final stretch.  CD1 didn't happen on the 28th like the nurse guessed.  (I could have told her that, but whatevs) Despite it starting two days later, the calendar doesn't need to be adjusted.  At least not until the 14th when I have to have the ultrasound.  Then we reevaluate from there.

Lupron + CD1 coming = MIGRAINE.  It knocked me flat yesterday.  Wooooooooooo.  I'll tell you.  I was ready to stick my head in a bucket of ice to try to numb it.   It's amazing how badly your head can hurt and not explode.  It amazes me.  It came back today, but not as potent, thank goodness.  Hopefully it will be dust tomorrow.  I'd like to sneak out and go see a movie... ~hangs head in shame~

Monday, it was too hot to walk outside, so I went to the gym I had joined a while ago.  Dude.  I think I'mma have to dump that dump.  I went in there and it was hot as a MF.  I was like is the A/C dead?  They had a bunch of ceiling fans running and the receptionist was busily fanning herself with a file.  Now, I'm not fitness freak, but I try to walk about around three miles which is about an hour for me.  I could only get through about 30 minutes.  My lungs were burning it was so hot.  When I left, it was cooler outside than inside that joint, and it was 85 outside!!!  I didn't say anything to anyone because I'm on the Bitch Juice and that's a can-o-worms that did not  need to be opened.  So I'll give them another shot.  But you betta believe, I'mma call their asses first.  "Excuse me, I was in there the other day and it was hot as hell.  Was your A/C on the fritz or is that S.O.P.?"  If they answer the latter, my next statement will be, "That's ri-damn-diculous cancel my damn membership!"  They gotta be out of their Got-Damn Minds!  Hell.

~Taking a moment to breathe and calm the hell down~

~Taking another moment to breathe and calm the hell down~

~And taking yet another moment to breathe and calm the hell down~

Ok.  Not working.  I'm all riled up again.  Fucking Lupron...

Until we meet again!  ;-)

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Surprisingly, it was an anger free day!  Since I'm not one to just let things be, I decided to replace it with anxiety.  Anxiety over the FET, anxiety over the past, anxiety over the present, anxiety over "Lonesome George".  It wasn't until a little while ago I figured out why poor old George was bothering me.  Yeah, I know.  I'm a slow study...

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Luporn (Bitch Juice) Confessions

I really don't know what it is about this stuff.  Well I have my theories but since they are probably just fiction conceived in my Lupron saturated brain I won't bore you with it.  But I'll tell you, it feels like there is a river of rage flowing just beneath the surface.  I'm ready to fight for any reason.  No, in fact, I'm willing to fight for NO reason.  Probably the safest thing for me to do is not to leave the house, don't answer the phone.  Have no contact with any living being (other then my RE's office because they understand) until I'm done with this stuff.

Below I'm posting thoughts that run through my seething mind today.  Enjoy.

  • While at the grocery store today, I thought about ramming my cart into the plants instead of the corral.

  • Leaving the grocery store parking lot, there was a group of about eight people trying to J-Walk, I'm assuming, to the graveyard across the street.  I had to fight HARD not to yell profanities at them to get out of the way so I could see oncoming traffic and wasn't T-boned by a speeding SUV.

  • On my way home, there was a little kid in glasses dressed as a kangaroo with a parasol.  WTF?

  • The Man sitting on the couch watching the USA soccer game and not helping me drag in the groceries made me itch for the progesterone syringe.

  • Doughnuts make me happy.  I bought a dozen hoping it would help.  I haven't had any yet, but knowing they are there in case of emergency is mildly comforting.


  • Dream of fighting people on pirate ships.  Note to self:  Fall asleep watching Pirates of the Caribbean more often.

  • Resent that the day heated up and I woke up becuase I was too hot.

I then went on to eat a sandwich and later one of the magic doughnuts.  I felt better.  I watched some TV, took a shower and unsuccessfully tried to sooth the river of anger and hate coursing under my skin.

All in all, not a bad day, eh?  (Might I suggest you agree with me...or else.)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Lupron. Bitch Juice. There you go.

Well, I got a mini-tripod, so I thought I'd film an episode of me doin' the Bitch Juice.  It's a lousy video.  I'm not a filmmaker.  I could edit it, I guess... but I'm also lazy and as you know on the Bitch Juice.  Can you see me trying to edit video on Bitch Juice?  Especially since I don't know how to use the editing software?  I'm not interested in destroying my MacBook thankyouverymuch.  This post was an exercise in how many times I could use the phrase Bitch Juice in one posting.  Why?

It's my blog,

I'm on Bitch Juice,

and it makes me happy, GODDAMNIT!


Anyway...on with the show!

Hope you all aren't psychologically damaged by any of the contents of that video.  I know it's disturbing on many levels.  Although, not nearly as disturbing as The Man coming in and asking, "Are you watching this?"

Me: "I guess not anymore."

The Man: Changes the channel to a bunch of men playing banjos, mandolins and fiddles to a crowd of people with mullets.

If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna have to go so I can leave the room before I find a leftover progesterone syringe and stab him in the eye with it.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Same, but Different

Previously on You're gonna do WHAT to my ovaries...

As you remember or don't, I was going in for another endometriosis surgery.  The plan went off with out a hitch...mostly.  What I wouldn't admit to anyone, was I was sick.  Hell I wouldn't admit it to my self. "Oh no, just bad allergies. No biggie." Pfffffffft.  I was sick.

My in-laws drove me to my brother's place becuase he was going to take me to my surgery and my husband and in-laws were going to all meet up at the hospital.  My brother kept side-eying me.  He finally says, "I bet they send you home."

I'm betting this too.  I mean really, why would you operate on someone who can hardly breathe and is coughing like a maniac.  On the other hand, maybe I can fool the medical staff. I mean who wants to do a bowel prep for NOTHING!

We get there do the usual waiting.  Finally go in and start the prep.  My head is killing me, yo.  So I tell the nurse, "Can you slip some Tylenol in that I.V. for this headache?"

"No.  It's too caustic.  You will never find it in that form."

Me: *Blink Blink*  "Oh."  Doesn't matter.  I got some fluids in me and my head stopped hurting.  Go figure.  Then the real test comes.  They check my temp, it's normal.  No surprise there, I rarely ever have a temperature.  Then they check my lungs.  I tell her about my "allergies" kicking my ass and that I've been using my inhaler pretty regularly.

"Breathe deep." the nurse says putting the stethoscope on my back.

I do, sort of.  Not too deep, becuase, if I take too big a breath, the spasmodic coughing will commence.   She asks for a deeper breath, and I do.  So far so good.  I look up at her expectantly.

"Seems fine to me." she says.

I think to my self, REALLY????? "Ok.  Cool."  Then there is more with the hurry up and wait.

Finally Dr. N shows up with his team.  He goes through what he intends to do asks if I have any questions and I shake my head no.  Then he leans in close and says, "Where did you get those delicious lemons?"

I crack up.  "From my yard.  I have a tree."

He then went on about how good they were.  Yay me! /

You know what's odd, I never remember the operating room.  I remember them wheeling me off, but I don't remember actually being in the room.  What the hell kind of drugs are they giving you?  I mean can you pin point it to certain memories?  I have A LOT I'd like to forget...

Anywho...I wake up in recovery.  All is well.  Pain for the most part is manageable.  I got the same nurses the last two times I was in for the same surgery, they remembered me.

The day I was supposed to go home, I was in a lot of pain.  The morphine wasn't cutting it.  I know, right?  WTF?  Dr. L came in and I told him.  He called Dr. N and after deciding to wait it out for a bit, Dr. N called me that night and said if I am still in that much pain, he was worried and would have to go back in.  This is where I freak out.  Why?  I have no idea.  Then Dr. L said, "Are you taking the meds I prescribed you? "

"No.  They don't let you bring them in the hospital."

He shakes his head and walks out.  He comes back in a few minutes later.  "Ok I've handled it.  Let's see how this goes. "

Moments later, a nurse comes in with meds for me.  Norco.  It's like twice the hydrocodone and a fraction of the Tylenol.  I'll try anything at this point, not to have to be cut open twice in two days.

Baaaaayyyyyybeeeeeeeeeee, lemme tell YOU!  That shit is the bomb!!  Pain?  What pain!! I laugh at the mere mention of pain!!  In fact I laugh at the mere mention of anything, and am in love with the whole wide world!  Lets' here it for Dr. L! This is when I can finally get some rest.

Next thing I know, the nurses come in with a birthday cake for me!

How nice was that?  Yeah, sure, I wasn't allowed to eat yet, but it's the thought that counts.

Later they came and told me they had to move me to a shared room.  They were not happy about it.  I mean sure all alone is great but it made no never-mind to me since I was on the Norco.  I loved everyone.

I ended up having to stay an extra night but that was ok.  Healing went well.  The doctors were very pleased at my quick recovery rate.  All's well that ends well and I was given the go ahead for the next step.

Currently on You're gonna do WHAT to my ovaries...

We have started the down the path for the Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET).  Here is how it is panning out.

June 9th, I started taking the pill again.  I went in on the 14th for my baseline ultrasound.  All was well there.

One June 21st, I started the Lupron.  a.k.a. as Bitch Juice.  My first day to start this, I was out of town.  No biggie, I called the airline asked about procedure for carrying injectable perscription drugs, all was cool.  Until the actual day to take them.  I was out of town town for a family wedding.  Thankfully I remembered to bring the drugs with me, but remembered almost too late to take the damn stuff.  I take off like a shot and go to prep to take it.  Picture it.  Me in the brides room bathroom, prepping my tummy and bottle and needle and then think, how much am I supposed to take?  Shit.  I don't remember.  I pace back and forth for a minute, then take the dive.  10.  I say 10.  I fill the syringe to 10 and stab myself in the stomach and hope for the best.

The next day we are driving back home (don't even get me started on the foolishness of that) and I take my second dose in the bathroom of a Black Bear Diner.  Another 10, becuase, why not.

I mean to tell you,  as soon as we got home, I did not pass go, I did not go potty, I ran straight up to my paperwork to check.  What do you think I saw?  Yep.  10!  Whew!  I was so relived.  I didn't want to have to call my RE and explain why I'm such a moron.

June 25th is my last day of the pill.  Then I'm supposed to call with CD1.  Depending on that, I start Estrace.  2mg once a day with the Bitch Juice for five days

Then it's 2mg twice a day with Bitch Juice for four days.

Then  it's 2mg three times a day plus Bitch Juice for five days.

Then we do an ultrasound lining check which should also be my last day of the Bitch Juice and Estrace three times a day.  I should be quite the gentle, soft spoken lamb by then.

THEN, I get to go back to Estrace once a day plus progesterone.  OK.  Let me fill you in on this.  The injectable progesterone is way cheaper.  I got the capsule insert which was about three times more expensive.  You know what?  Worth every penny. If I had to take those shots in the ass every day, baybeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...I'd be a widow.  I know I'd turn around and stab The Man in the eye with that damn needle.

Anyway, around July 19th we should be doing the transfer.  Here are my big fears that I try not to think about becuase it would be paralyzing.

1. The embryos don't survive the thaw.  Think of it this way.  Ice crystals tend to tear things up.  You know when you thaw frozen fruit it gets all mushy?  Yeah.  Like that. I think I read or was told somewhere it was a 50-50 chance of survival.

2. Same old fears.  They embies don't take.

I have a better camera now, maybe I'll make a video of the Lupron shot for you.  Maybe...we'll see.  That is where we are.  You are all caught up and I will keep you posted!  Thanks for tuning in!

Next time on You're gonna do WHAT to my ovaries...

I have no idea.  Whatever pops into my foolish head.  Unless you have something you'd like to discuss!