Saturday, June 26, 2010

Luporn (Bitch Juice) Confessions

I really don't know what it is about this stuff.  Well I have my theories but since they are probably just fiction conceived in my Lupron saturated brain I won't bore you with it.  But I'll tell you, it feels like there is a river of rage flowing just beneath the surface.  I'm ready to fight for any reason.  No, in fact, I'm willing to fight for NO reason.  Probably the safest thing for me to do is not to leave the house, don't answer the phone.  Have no contact with any living being (other then my RE's office because they understand) until I'm done with this stuff.

Below I'm posting thoughts that run through my seething mind today.  Enjoy.

  • While at the grocery store today, I thought about ramming my cart into the plants instead of the corral.

  • Leaving the grocery store parking lot, there was a group of about eight people trying to J-Walk, I'm assuming, to the graveyard across the street.  I had to fight HARD not to yell profanities at them to get out of the way so I could see oncoming traffic and wasn't T-boned by a speeding SUV.

  • On my way home, there was a little kid in glasses dressed as a kangaroo with a parasol.  WTF?

  • The Man sitting on the couch watching the USA soccer game and not helping me drag in the groceries made me itch for the progesterone syringe.

  • Doughnuts make me happy.  I bought a dozen hoping it would help.  I haven't had any yet, but knowing they are there in case of emergency is mildly comforting.


  • Dream of fighting people on pirate ships.  Note to self:  Fall asleep watching Pirates of the Caribbean more often.

  • Resent that the day heated up and I woke up becuase I was too hot.

I then went on to eat a sandwich and later one of the magic doughnuts.  I felt better.  I watched some TV, took a shower and unsuccessfully tried to sooth the river of anger and hate coursing under my skin.

All in all, not a bad day, eh?  (Might I suggest you agree with me...or else.)


  1. I'm soooo glad that it's the bitch juice talking, lol!

  2. While risking your rage being aimed at me - I feel compelled to say that I just LOVE your senses while on the Juice. I think that some of that stuff often and don't have the Juice thing going for me. I also love how well you verbalize your feelings and thoughts..keep it coming.
