Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Do you think animals in the wild, mourn not being able to bear children?  Do you think they are shunned by the others in their group, cast aside to live alone?  Don't get me wrong, I'm not afraid of being cast aside, although some do fear it, and rightfully so.  Some can't handle it.  I just wonder if animals feel the loss.  You see birds standing by the body of thier dead mate, why wouldn't they feel this too to some degree?   Anyway, I don't really want an answer, I'm just wondering aloud.

1 comment:

  1. Serious ass kicking coming your way!!!

    Shunned? Don't be so silly, animal or otherwise.

    You'll never be alone as long as you have a friend, and here's one that's not going anywhere.

    Warms up boot for that ass kicking...

