Monday, August 11, 2008


A.K.A.  Blood test day...

Well there is no way to sugar coat it, it didn't work.  BFN!  *sigh*

So we jumped right back in.  I am currently on CD6.  Which if you remember is Birth Control Pills...again...I have my ultrasound on the 25th I think.

This time we are on a Flare protocol with Lupron. I am having a hard time explaining to the Pharmacist that my dosage is 425 of Follistim, please give me vials larger than 300 so I don't have to shoot myself twice.  Which means in the end I will be giving myself like 5 shots a day.  Stupid bitch.  I should come shoot her 5 times a day.


In other news, we had a family member say the stupidest thing to the man a few days ago.  Said family member claims he reads the blog but clearly did NOT read the things you shouldn't say portion.  Remember don't give advice or make suggestions?  Try to be supportive?  Clearly not.

First he asked if we had thought of surrogacy.  Oh gee, like that was never brought up in the 3 IUI's and 3 IVF cycles you fucking dim wit!  It's that I! ME!  MYSELF! want to carry OUR BABY!  I WANT OUR BABY!  OUR BIOLOGICAL BABY!  CARRIED, BY ME!  Get it??  If it was that I just wanted any baby, I'd have adopted already.  So before you open your ignorant mouth again, don't bring up adoption.  Yes we have heard of it.  Yes we have considered it.  No we are not ready for that step, not that it's any of your fucking business.   He then proceeded to VOLUNTEER SOMEONE that he never spoke to, by the way to be our surrogate!!  Thank you very much!  This man has no sense of boundaries.  Oh but wait, there's more...He says next,  You know the odds are stacked against you.  YOU GOD DAMN FUCKING MORON.  DO YOU THINK WE DON'T KNOW THAT??!!!  Would we BE HERE if we didn't know that?  Can I get you some salt to pour in our gaping wound?  I've put up with his inane, stupid comments for years.  Watched him insult and alienate people right and left.  You know what?  I'm done.  I will not have anything to do with him anymore.  I may change my mind in the future, but for now.  Fuck off!  Don't call, don't write.  You are not welcome around me.  I don't need the negativity in my life. I have enough to worry about!  Who is this asshole you ask?  If you know us, you know who.  I'll give you three guesses, but you're only gonna need one.

Next installment will be...I don't know.  Maybe about the new protocol.  Oh and the kittens are soooo cute!


  1. It's not Wentworth, is it? *cringing*

    Has anyone ever told you that you rant eloquently?
    *running away and ducking for cover*

  2. So very eloquently indeed :)

    Ah, some people ARE just THAT ignorant.

  3. he bugs me soo much

  4. That is why I just love say it like it is and NEVER stop being strong!!!!

  5. Never stop trying for what YOU want - you two will have beautiful children.
    It's a shame about the bad family blood - and good for you for protecting yourselves.

    Warm fuzzy family hugs from the Easterners.

  6. I'm so sorry. Praying for the next one!!

  7. Why can't people just say hello and keep it moving? Sorry you're going through this with family no less. :(
