Friday, August 22, 2008

CD 17-4

Sooooooooo...wanna know my tentative schedule...

[caption id="attachment_218" align="aligncenter" width="495" caption="4th Cycle"]4th Cycle[/caption]

Loberly.  4 shots a day...I'm the luckiest girl in the whole, wide world!!!

Any questions?  LOL.


  1. So, how's that pharmacy degree coming?

    And what's this I read in the previous posts? You not affecting the world? From where I stand, you're already affecting a lot of people with your writing. The people closer to you obviously feel like you are a vital part of their lives. They love you, you love them. It's really the biggest achievement of a lifetime.

  2. [...] Hatching you get one.  Have you heard of one that make your womb “stickier”?  What protocols are you on?  If you were successful what worked for [...]

  3. Did you see that you are injecting 'Luporn'? porn!! :)
