Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Ok.  So the schedule is...

Wednesday 10.30 pm we trigger.

Friday 9.30 am is the retrieval.

Now, the interesting part is one of the doctors there called and asked if I was interested in being apart of a study.  They want to do a 2 day transfer rather than a 3 day transfer.  It seems there is no significant difference in the numbers.  My dr says he has no preference either way.  That this idea is nothing new, they used to only do 2 day transfers from like 1979-1992 or something.  But the medium they developed the embryos in has gotten better so they switched to 3 day.  Here is something I found online:

"It is concluded that the outcomes of embryo transfer in terms of implantation and pregnancy rates are comparable for day 2 and day 3 embryos, although the overall embryo quality score decreases when embryos are kept in culture till day 3."  -  http://humrep.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/16/3/476

They gave me some stuff to read too but I'm not about to scan it and throw it up here lol.  One study is from UCSF, and one from Turkey.

We haven't decided what to do.  The numbers look like the womb does a better job of taking care of an embryo, but implantation rates are about the same.  So...I dunno.  You have any thoughts?  Heard anything?

Oh yeah, and my lining is thin...they have me on Estradiol...so hopefully that works.

You know what, I haven't been spotting all that much, wonder if that's why, my lining is thin...interesting.


  1. nothing scientific here - just a gut feeling - 2 days out of the womb is plenty - get it back in you as quick as possible

  2. The 2-day seems the way to go......it was random he asked you....so there must be a reason for it.....hmmmmmmm.........I love you. Hope to raft again with all of our kids (yours included)!
