Sunday, September 21, 2008

6DP2DT-IVF#4 - Pt. 2

I called my RE this am and left a message.  I said the spotting we had discussed has started again.  Any suggestions?

I got a voice mail because I was out, and the nurse said he said, we could try the PIO ( Progesterone in Oil) shots.  (Those would be the ginormous intramuscular needles in the ass every night).  The thing about it is, it probably won't help.  I think it's just something else "to do".  I won't really be getting any more progesterone than I already am.  So, I'm mulling it over.

You have any thoughts one way or another?

Here is a video of this poor girl having to give it to herself.  I couldn't do it.  I swear!

Anyway, can't say as if I'm moved to do that.  I have until tomorrow to decide...I'll sleep on it.


  1. Hey - I had to give myself my first shot in the butt when i was on a business trip in atlanta. i was scared as anything, but i did it. you CAN do it if you have to. or pat can. although after doing it to myself that first time, i didn't let dave do it after that, i just kept it up. it's really not that bad and that area is so less sensitive than the tummie shots.

  2. You said "it probably wont help" what is the advantage of the PIO shots?

  3. [...] THEN, I get to go back to Estrace once a day plus progesterone.  OK.  Let me fill you in on this.  The injectable progesterone is way cheaper.  I got the capsule insert which was about three times more expensive.  You know what?  Worth every penny. If I had to take those shots in the ass every day, baybeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…I’d be a widow.  I know I’d turn around and stab The Man in the eye with that damn needle. [...]
