Tuesday, September 16, 2008

2DP2DT (Days Past 2 Day Tranfer)-IVF#4

So, the transfer went great.  The embies were better quality than last time.  We got a 3, 4 and 5 cell, which was about what we had on day 3 last time.  So that's good.  Had acupuncture the day before the transfer and the day after and will have one on Saturday and the day before the blood test.  I have a mantra to say.  I also have a cd to listen to, which I haven't yet.  LOL

I'm a little afraid to say I'm cautiously optimistic.  Feel pretty good this time.  I hope it works.  Here are the pics.  The first is of the embies.  The second is where he put them in my uterus...weclome. (lol)   It's the circled section, not the three white spots, those are the air bubbles that pushed the embies out of the catheter.  But, that's them!  I think if you click on the pick, it will put it in another window, then click on it again to blow it up.
