Wednesday, September 24, 2008


...Also known as Day Before Blood Test Day.

Same drill as last time.

We'll let you know...

In other news, my conversation with the clinic today:

Me:  Hi, my friends kids gave me a sore throat and cold. Is there anything I can take to help with the congestion?

Nurse:  *Cackles hysterically for 35 minutes*

Me: *Blink Blink*

Nurse:  Nah, man!  It just sucks to be you! *More cackling as she hangs up on me*

Me:  *Blink Blink, hangs up phone*

Me: *Calls Acupuncturist*  I can't make the appointment.  I'm sick as a dog.

Her:  You're congested!!

Me:  Yeah

Her:  Come in!!  I can help with that!!

Me:  I'll be right there.

One hour later...

Me:  Takes deep breath BECAUSE. I. CAN!

Me:  *Hears Hallelujah Chorus*

Her:  Better?

Me:  *Thinks about proposing*  Yes thank you!

Her:  Good luck tomorrow.  I'll put you here on the books with a heart and sending you light!

Me:  Thank you!


  1. Sounds like acupuncture is good! We'll be thinking of you tomorrow.. and much love,

    Carol & Bob

  2. I came across your blog through the wordpress search site. Good Luck on your Beta. Hope you get your miracle.


  3. opps ....happy can't spell

  4. Thinking of you and how hapy you will be when she tells you to get some rest MAMA!!!!

  5. I am so glad you were "put on" to the acupuncturist....thinking of you

  6. Praying and crossing my fingers !!! Good Luck !

  7. Hope you are doing ok with whatever the results were. Will continue to pray for you !!!!
