Thursday, July 10, 2008

Cycle Day 1/Stimulant Day 1 (CD1/SD1)

Tah Dah!!!!.  All went well at the doc today.  I hurled my questions at her like they were the last words that would ever leave my lips and she answered each one with out batting an eye.  I like that.  She assuaged all, well a lot of my fears and said my size 1 cyst was on the outside of my ovary so she could give a crap about it.   Yay me!  BUT!  She wanted to make sure so she sent me for a blood test to check my Estradiol Level.  They wanted it under 60.  Woot!!! I was.  What was it?  Click here----> X *snicker*

Anyway, I didn't get the number until I got home later and she said to go ahead and start the stims.  So what are the stims and how much am I taking?

Follistim - 425 IU:  This is a problem because the vials the pharmacy gave me are all 300 IU's, and you can only use one vial at a time, so you guessed it, I have to give myself at least 2 shots of this to get the right dosage.  Good thing it doesn't hurt, or at least I hit a spot that didn't hurt this time.  So what is the drug?

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is a naturally occurring hormone. FSH is important in the development of follicles (eggs) produced by the ovaries. Follistim is a brand of follicle stimulating hormone.  Follistim is used to stimulate a follicle to develop and mature. It is used when a woman desires pregnancy and her ovaries can produce a follicle but hormonal stimulation is not sufficient to make the follicle mature. Follistim is also used to stimulate the development of multiple eggs for in vitro fertilization.

[wp_caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="275" caption="Follistim Pen and Cartridge"]Follistim Pen and Cartridge[/wp_caption]

Menepure - 150 IU:  The vials come in 75 IU's so I have to mix them with a regular syringe to get the right amount, so only one shot!  This one stung a bit though... I wonder if it was my ineptitude or the drug actually stings.  I guess I'll find out tomorrow.  Anyway...ONE SHOT!! Woot!   What is this drug?

Menotropins are an equal mixture of the naturally occurring follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). FSH and LH are important for the development of follicles (eggs) produced by the ovaries. Menotropins are used to stimulate ovulation (the release of an egg) when a woman's ovaries can produce a follicle but hormonal stimulation is deficient. Menotropins are also used to stimulate the development of multiple eggs for in vitro fertilization.

[wp_caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="250" caption="Menopur"]Menopur[/wp_caption]

I'll make a video of me prepping the shots so you can see what I mean.  Do you want to see me give my self the injection as well?  Let me know.

Bottom line?  They help me produce many eggs.  Essentially...I'm a chicken...

[wp_caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="177" caption="Black Hen on Eggs"]Black Hen on Eggs[/wp_caption]

Hahahahaha get it?  Get it?  Black  Geeze you guys suck!


  1. You are very creative and witty. I love the poster. In french it says, "I am a brave hen of war. I eat little and produce a lot!" How perfect is that for this situation. Here's to lots of follies!

  2. Lucky you, I had to mix the Menopur and Bravelle together and it stings as its going in. It also didn't work. I hope all goes well and you make it to the ER and your embies make it to the ET. I also hope you get a BFP at the end.

  3. Good luck. I will be doing IVF in the fall.

  4. I look forward to your post everyday! I miss you! I had the tingles inside saying that "this was your time"....I can't wait to see you big and prego....Good egg droppings to you!
