Monday, June 16, 2008

Journey's Beginning

Well, here I am again. I.V.F. This time, I thought I would write about my experiences; keep a running journal of what I am going through, what's know. A little on line therapy. I think it might be a good place to send friends and family members who what to know what's up the the process. So here we go...

The picture is of ICSI (Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection) we will be doing this too.


I have an appointment June 19, 2008 @ 2.30, I think. This third cycle (third time's a charm right?) we are going through Stanford. Remarkably they are covered by my insurance. Thursday's appointment is to go over the schedule. Well tentative schedule. Things change with your body's levels of hormones and stuff. So here is what I know so far...tentatively....

  • 06/20/2008 - Cycle Day 1

  • 06/22 to 07/05/2008 - Start Birth Control Pills

  • 07/03/08 - Baseline appointment and Hysteroscopy

  • I think sometime in here I start the injectable drugs

  • 07/20/2008 - I believe I get the HcG shot.

  • 07/21/2008 - Egg Retrieval

  • 07/24/2008 - Embryo Transfer

Then the dreaded Two Week Wait (TWW)

I also have a tentative list of drugs for this cycle. Now, please forgive my spelling.

  • Ganirelix - blocks FSH

  • Menepro - Stimulant (Follistim)

  • HcG Injection - Induce ovulation

  • Medrol - Anti rejection

  • Doxycycline - antibiotic

  • Valium - know lol

I pick up the drugs on Thursday. To the tune of $407.00, and that is WITH insurance. Lord.


There seems to be some trouble with getting my medical records from the last clinic. Hopefully that will be sorted. I am also questioning the dr on the Hysteroscopy. I had one about 2 months ago. Not sure why I need another one. I don't want to have one just because it's "in the plan". You know? Just following orders.


Needless to say, I am worried. Not too, not yet, but I have my concerns; what with the spotting, cysts and weight and all. But I guess we will do what we can when we can.

Well, I guess that's it. Please feel free to drop me a comment or email if you have any questions. Here is a video that might explain some stuff.


  1. Thanks for the kind words and well wishes!! And...


  2. What a wonderful way to keep everyone posted, thank you for sharing all of this with us. Try not to stress (yea right), think positive, and pray, as we are all doing for you both. See you in a few weeks at the wedding! Megan and Dave

  3. I wish everything goes well for you! You must be a brave woman to face all this!

    Funny, I don't feel brave...

  4. Hi,
    Best wishes and we will keep you in our prayers too! Just have to nag you AGAIN about stopping all of the allergy medications (not a good idea when you're trying to concieve) I know that you'll suffer but having a child you need to give up a lot and even suffer some. God watches these things to see if you are ready....small price to pay for the temp when you get such a wonderful gift. Think about it.....ok enough of that.......I love you and know that I think of you often!!!!


  5. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. You are braver than you know.

    Hmmm...I'm not sure I do know...
