Sunday, June 22, 2008

Cycle Day 6

Let's see...

√     Headache
√     Cramps
√     Angry Cyst
√     Fatigue
√     Stomach Ache

Good!  Everything in order.

So, you all know what a hysteroscopy is?


Well class, basically, it is a diagnostic tool used to check out the the hotel (uterus).  You know, make sure the accommodations are good, everything is in place, no unwanted visitors, all the amenities are in working condition.  It's done with a hysteroscope, which is a thin telescope that is inserted through the front door (use your imagination) , past the lobby, (cervix) into the hotel room (uterus). Because the inside of the hotel room  is a potential cavity, like a collapsed air dome, it is necessary to fill (distend) it with either a liquid or a gas (carbon dioxide) in order to see.  How comfortable does that sound?

Usually unless a women has major medical problems, they do diagnostic hysteroscopy in office.   They numb the cervix, they say this is easily done and rarely uncomfortable.  I will have to take their word on that since the one I had, they knocked me the fuck out.  Thank you Dr. P!   They attach a video camera to the hysteroscope, so the patient can also see, and then insert the hysteroscope into the uterus under direct vision while using either saline or carbon dioxide to fill the uterus.  Usually this causes mild cramping.  ( Uh, ya think?!!)  They then can look for fibroids, polyps, and other problems that may be causing bleeding.  This often takes about a minute or two.  The hysteroscope is removed.  A small plastic tube may be used to take a sample of the lining of the uterus.  That's it!  Yeah, right...  I thought about putting pictures of hysteroscopy that show some of the stuff they are looking for, but I realize not every one has the stomach for it.  So I won't post those, or my own, even though my hotel room is clean as a whistle.   Which, by the way who came up with that saying?  Whistles seem very dirty to me...all that spit...yuck.  So let's say...clean as can be!  Woot!  Yay my uterus!

I know what you're wondering. Isn't that gonna hurt WAY too much to be done in an office?  They TELL ME, by being very gentle, and using local anesthesia, there is usually minimal discomfort during the procedure.  AND, most women are able to get up and return to their normal activities immediately.  They also say, if someone is very anxious, it is possible to give a short acting narcotic intravenously.  This makes it very unlikely that the procedure will be uncomfortable. OH YEAH BABY!! NOW THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKIN' 'BOUT!!  Sign me up!

They hysteroscopy I had was an Operative Hysteroscopy.  During operative hysteroscopy a type of hysteroscope is used that has channels in which it is possible to insert very thin instruments.  These instruments can be used to remove polyps, to cut adhesions, and do other procedures.   They had to clean out my hotel room.  Apparently the staff went on vacation and it needed a Dusting and Cleaning (D&C).  My lining was at like 11.4.  (should be less than 5) Oooops.  I am such an over achieving, pack rat.

So there you have it.  Hysteroscopy.  Love it!  Live it!  Embrace it!  Unless of course you had one in March and don't feel you need another...then sod it!


  1. Ok so let's see, basically you're invaded by a hollywood film crew with props and extras pokin around in there. lol

    Don't confuse me wif dem big words, I'm just a humble simpleton tryin to understand!!!!!

    Dork! LOL!


    Love you toooooooo!

  3. Ok let me be real with is going to be really uncomfortable and it will hurt...try to get them to knock you out....really.

    Love you

