Thursday, June 19, 2008

Cycle Day 3

UGH! What a day! So, as we all know, I had my scheduling appointment today. No biggie. I planned everything down to a T. Leave, go to the Drugstore and pick up drugs, go to lab have blood drawn, go to appointment find out the schedule of things to come. Everything was perfect until...I realized I miscalculated and should have left at 12 rather than 1.

As if that wasn't enough, I had a bout of stomach...something. Knocked me flat for like 20 minutes. I probably would have gotten out a lot sooner if that hadn't happened. I've had a stomach ache off and on all day now. Not to mention the cyst crap on top of the usual cycle symptoms. Being a girl SUCKS!

Anyway, I race around the house get out around 12.40 and drive like a bat out of hell. All the way to the light next to my street; here it went through like 7 cycles and never gave us a green. Ok, it wasn't 7, it was more like 2 or 3 but I was impatient and made a right turn out of a left turn lane. It all worked out, the gas station was that way, so I got some gas so I wouldn't run out on the way to my appointment.

Oh and did I mention it was 95 degrees when I left the house. WTF? Let's hear it for air conditioning.

So, on my way I hit two traffic jams. The first one...there was no reason for it. All the cars just stopped. STOPPED! Like all War of the Worlds, no power stopped. I guess people just forgot how to drive. Morons. The second people had to rubberneck. I HATE THAT!!!

I get to the super snooty college town where the drugstore and my RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist) are located. I drive slowly, looking for the store, and manage to not realize I was blocking an intersection, even though it was my green. But, I put the car in reverse and back up because I don't want to be THAT person. The light changes to red. I wait and it turns back to green, and I have forgotten to take the car out of reverse. Doy! The car behind me honks because I slowly start to roll backwards. Ooops! My bad! Sorry!

I make my way though the very pretty tree lined streets and find the drugstore. It was like thisbig. I was lucky I even SAW it! Then what do you think happened? Of course this little uppity town had like no parking...but today I had parking karma and found a space I could just pull into and didn't even have to parallel park on a busy two lane street! Yay me!!

I go in an pickup my drugs. Comes to like $360. I know! I was like,

"I thought you said my insurance covered this?"

"It does. You have REALLY good insurance! I had to do a double take. Quit your whining."

"Then why so much?"

She holds up the receipt. "Look you stupid twit!"



"I'll shut up now."


(OK,she wasn't mean like that but it was a better story...)

I paid $100 for one and $75 for the other...crazy. See pictures at the end of the post.

So I swipe the card, pay and then am escorted to secret back room where the pharmacist goes over my HUGE GROCERY BAG of drugs. DAYUM! Again, see pics at the end of the post because I can't figure out how to paste them individually.

After the consult I realized I had 20 minutes to get to my appointment. I race across the street get in the car and drive like a madwoman (well as fast as the little idyllic, tree lined streets would let me drive) to the RE's. I gather all my stuff (except for the blood work paperwork because I'm an ass) race up to the office and check in. The receptionist has gotten a nose ring (one of which I have) and the last time I was there we became BFF bonding over said nose rings. She was all excited she changed the stud and she managed to hurt herself a couple times since the last time it I saw her.

"Well, it happens." I smile.

"I know! I just realized, it's gonna happen! Get over it."

I like her.

She tells me I'm meeting with the financial coordinator and the nurse in the lab downstairs. This is when I kick myself for forgetting the paperwork for the blood tests. I sign in, meet with the FC and she's all, "You have REALLY GOOD INSURANCE! IT COVERS 100%! WILL YOU MARRY ME?" (again with the pics at the end of the post.)

"Yeah it is good. And no, I'm hitched but thanks for asking."

She leaves and the nurse comes in. Starts pulling out paperwork for my plan. We get to the hysteroscopy and I pull out the pics of my uterus. What? You don't carry pics of your uterus around with you? Oh. OK. Anywho....I tell her, I had one in March do I really need another? She takes the pics and says she'll check. Finally someone with a brain. I mean, I don't mind doing it if it is necessary, but if not, then why? I'm kinda bummed because that means the baseline ultrasounds which is now scheduled with the hysteroscopy are only done in the morning. *Cries* Might be worth it just not to have to drive up so early in the AM lol.

She gives me my schedule, (You guessed it...more pics)my Rx for birth control pills and sends me on my merry little way. Which isn't that far because I just have to go out to my car and get the paperwork for the vampires and go right back in...which I do.

The vamp is happy because I have no fear of needles, I let him pick whatever vein he wants and he does so with minimal pain. Two vials later, I'm out the door.

So, I begin to make my way home and look up at the thermometer in my car 103. 103 freaking degrees!! Global warming is here folks. Al and M. Night are right!! The earth is fighting back!

Then I realize I have a splitting headache. I look at the clock. It's 4.30 pm. I haven't eaten since 10.00 am. Yep that'll do it. I drop off the rx at my local pharmacy and drive to Taco Hell. I know. With a funny tummy...not a good idea. But damn if I am not addicted to those damn fruit freezes. Mango strawberry...mmmmmmmmmm...droooooools...I may need another one tomorrow. DON'T JUDGE!!

I get myself my slushie and some burrito thing, and decide to pick up my pills tomorrow. I have to go to the library anyway.

Once inside, I scarf my food and take some Tylenol and wait for my headache to subside. Which, it mostly does. So I cleaned the kitchen, which hasn't been cleaned in days because I've been sick. I could rant on this for days but I'll let it be...

Then I took pics of all this stuff for you. And that was CD3.

Pics for you! Click on the pic for...BIGGER pic lol.


Well, that's all for now...

So what are they testing for? This!

UPDATE:   This cracked me up!!

1 comment:


    YES, so need drugs hahahahhaha

    So hand 'em over!
