Sunday, July 18, 2010

...Life is but a dream.

Last night I had a dream.  My best friend is singing about the sadness and unfairness of life.  The tune is familiar but now I can't remember what it is.  I sang the first verse, something about in your twenties, how you think you have all the time in the world.  Then she continued eluding to a bunch other life disappointments.

Next I'm surprised by the news that 12 people are to descend on my house for dinner.  I was stressing out.  I go to the fridge and begin cleaning it out to make room for the food that will need to go in there for the guests.  I find cartons and cartons of old eggs.  So I  throw them out in the sink and watch them break one bye one and note the irony.

At the end of the dream when I wake the simple message from the song "Foolish Games" is played clearly in my head "You're breaking my heart".

It's  been stuck in my head all day.



Evidently the broken eggs represent my fear of wasting my embryos.   My unconscious mind sucks.  Why couldn't it give me dreams of star studded dinner parties or Wentworth Miller proclaiming his undying love for me.  No...instead it has to beat a dead horse.  What a bitch.


We have decided that cleaning out the fridge means making a nice clean space for the embryos.  Yeah.  That's it!

1 comment:

  1. There ya go. Nice clean space. All ready for goodness in the life to move in,
