Saturday, October 25, 2008

And the verdict?


No, I take that back.  SEVERE ENDOMETRIOSIS.

The Cliff's Notes version is, the doctor got in there and it was like an endometriosis bomb went off.  They were all very surprised.  It's bad when your dr is surprised.  So one of my tubes he couldn't work on, he took the other one out.  My bowels were, "all over the place". I have no idea what that means.  I have to go back in at the end of January to have my appendix removed because of all the endo and the other tube removed.  God knows what else.  I'll ask at my post op appointment.

I got out of surgery and the nurse says, "We're gonna take you to you room now."


"Yes you'll be our guest for the night."

"I'm supposed to go home."

Nurse says to someone, "Can you go get her hubs?"

Hubs shows and looks a mess.  Geeze what the fuck happened?

Finally I get some explanation.  (see above) So, I was treated to a night of excellent care at Stanford Hospital.  I highly recommend it...if you have to stay.

So, I'm down for a bit longer than I expected...this is gonna make school nearly impossible... :-(

Oh, guess what some of the symptoms are?

"Other common symptoms are abnormal uterine bleeding, spotting prior to periods, and infertility."


Let's see, the insurance runs out at the end of January so IVF will have to be out of remember how much out of pocket is, right?

In other news:  They are selling the townhouse we are living in so we may have to move.  *sigh*

Anyone else wanna take a pot shot?


  1. I'm sorry if I'm really stupid... Does this mean the end of the road for trying to have a biological child? I gather this from the operations scheduled at the end of January?
    I'm sorry if that's the case. I wish I could be there and give you a real hug... ()

  2. thinking of you always

  3. Don't lose hope.
    A friend of mine with severe endometriosis had a child eventually.
    She had biweekly sessions of seitai, a Japanese acupressure method, to get ovulation ticking like a clock.

    Best wishes.

  4. I have severe endo and I am just wishing you the best... i know this must be hard to deal with.

  5. Oh sweetie.... I thought I had found my blog!! I am coming in late on this, but I just wanted to tel you to hang in there, and if you need to chat about that great thing called Endo, you can send me an email. I truly hope you are doing a little better.

    Huge Internet Hugs your way from the NC
