Sunday, October 19, 2008

To fear is one thing. To let fear grab you by the tail and swing you around is another.

The fun begins tomorrow...

12.30 pm start liquid diet

3.00 pm first clense

7.00 pm second clense


12.30 am nothing more by mouth

7.30 am check in

9.30 am surgery.

Want to know what happens starting yesterday?  How about a brush with my own mortality.  Yes I know it's not rational, but since when is fear rational.  Yes I'm afraid.  IT'S FREAKING SURGERY!!  I don't care how routine surgery is, there is alway an chance of complications.  It happened to a friend of mine.  She went in, didn't come out.  Now, her case was nothing like mine, but again, fear is not rational.

I weighed my family, my friends, my compodres online.  Who would tell them if something happened to me.  The man said he would...if he could figure it out.  LOL.  Did I have things I wanted people to have?  Were there things I didn't want people to know?  Who would the kitties sleep with?  Fear is not rational.

We went to see The Secret Life of Bees Saturday night.  GREAT FREAKING MOVIE!  There was one scene where they explain the image on the honey jars.   I.  Lost.  It. It was all about strength in the face of fear.  I thought I was going to have to run sobbing from the theatre because I was doing that loud, doubled over, someone killed my puppy sobbing, well, trying NOT to and failing.  I finally got a grip, but I was fragile the rest of the movie and night.  The images would float through my mind and I would well up again.  The man wanted to discuss the movie and all I could do was turn in on my self, hide behind my hair and nod.  I couldn't do it.  I just couldn't.  I went to bed, 3 hours later, I was still up, paralyzed by fear.  No sleep, no peace.  I had to put on a movie to distract myself enough to fall asleep.  Fear is not rational, and no respector of persons or hour.

I don't know what else to say about this.  I'm afraid.  Logically I know it's ok.  Emotionally I'm a mess.  How does one assuge those fears?  How do you tell yourself, it will all be ok?  I just don't know.  And this isn't even touching on the infertility fears.  I'll be irrational about those when I'm through these.

I guess that's all I have to say.  Maybe I'll blog tomorrow and bitch about being hungry. :-)


Veer Sharma

Oscar Wilde
The basis of optimism is sheer terror.

Eddie Rickenbacher
Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared.

Channing Pollock
No man in the world has more courage than the man who can stop after eating one peanut.


  1. Fear is the one thing we all share, only most of us pretend we're not afraid. Takes a strong person with a lot of character to admit they're afraid, so kudos to you my friend. My prayers and thoughts are with you, sending good vibes your way.


  2. Surgery... I understand your fear, but like your quotes said, it takes fear to be brave.

  3. I will be thinking of you Tuesday, and hope everything will be OK. At least you are facing your fear. Much love from Carol and Bob...

  4. You're in my prayers. Keep up courage, Nic, and you'll do just fine.

    Love to you and yours.

  5. [...] idea.  I like it my own self.) Thing is, if they do it on the 10th I get to do the bowel prep (more on bowel prep) on my birthday.  Baaaybeeeeeee, lemme tell you what! I would rather have them cut. me. open. on [...]
